🐍 LangChain Python to JS Module Translator ☕

  • 🔄This chatbot converts Python LangChain modules to LangChain.js.
  • 🎹It's powered by an OpenAI gpt-3.5-turbo model fine-tuned on various parallel LangChain Python and JS modules.
  • 🧠This enables it to innately "know" about style, dependencies, and other details specific to LangChain.js, theoretically resulting in higher quality code.
  • 👍Remember to thumbs up or down! The feedback curates the LangSmith dataset behind the model, allowing for further fine-tuning.
  • 🐙The initial training dataset, motivation, and guides on creating your own LangSmith datasets are available on GitHub.
  • 👇Go to the LangChain Python repo, pick your favorite module, and paste some Python code below!